APAN MUDRA (Energy Mudra)
With each hand: Place the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger together—extend the other fingers.
When needed, do for 5 to 45 minutes or use three times a day for 15 minutes as a course of treatment.
This mudra supports the removal of waste materials and toxins from the body, as well as eliminating urinary problems. The Apan Mudra also stimulates the wood element, which is associated with the energy of the liver and gallbladder. This element also contains the power and pleasure of springtime, of new beginnings, of tackling and shaping visions of the future.
In addition, the Apan Mudra has a balancing effect on the mind, which is largely dependent upon a well-functioning liver. It gives us patience, serenity, confidence, inner balance, and harmony. In the mental realm, it creates the ability to develop vision. You need all of this when you look into the future, while facing new challenges, and if your wishes are to be fulfilled.
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- çktLku nkÚk ðzu- ytøkwc, {æÞ{ yLku yLkkr{fk Lku MkkAu hk¾ku yLku çkkfeLke çktLku yktøk¤eyku Lku Ëwh MkeÄe hk¾ku.
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- yk {wÿk þrhh{kt hnu÷ çkøkkzLku fkZe Lkk¾ðk {kxu WÃkÞkuøke Au. ¾kMk fheLku yk {wÿk {wºkhkuøkku{kt WÃkÞkuøke Au. yk {wÿk fk»X ÄkíkwtLku «¼krðík fhu Au su ÃkuxLkkt ytøkkuLku þÂõík «ËkLk fhu Au. yk {wÿk {Lk Lke Mktíkwr÷íkíkk {kxu ¾wçks WÃkÞkuøke Au. su MkkÄfLku Äehs, rðïkMk, yktíkhMkwÍ yLku ÷ÞçkØíkk «ËkLk fhu Au yLku rð[khþÂõík-fÕÃkLkkþÂõík Lku òøk]ík fhuAu. {Lkw»ÞLke ¼rð»Þ òuðkLke yLku ¼rð»Þ{kt ykðLkkhe {wþfu÷eyku Mkk{u ÷zðkLke {kLkrMkf þÂõíkLku òøk]ík fhu Au.
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